Monday, May 31, 2010

The End of Seclusion Is Near!

The end of seclusion is near! Ali returned to the city today, and tomorrow Josh and Kristin return! My time of roaming the streets alone is almost over!

Today was quite a wonderful day! Beautiful, sunny, and perfect for laying out! Which I would have done had my beach buddy Kritin been here to soak up the sun in Sheeps Meadow with me. But since she wasn't - I headed to the NYSC to continue my vigorus (15 lb weight) lifting routine.

I decided to take the GIANT 24x34 picture frame I bought downtown for my apt with me to return to AI Friedman before going to the gym, since it's been sitting in my kitchen for almost a week. So, lugging a giant bag of metal and glass to 18th and 5th, I arrived to find AI FRIEDMAN WAS CLOSED!! HOW RUDE! Blasted memorial day! What was even more frusterating is that it was the ONLY shop on the whole of 18th street closed! I was left with a giant picture frame to be my gym buddy.

I also got to lug it around with me while shopping on lower 5th with Ali an hour later. I love lower 5th! Such a perfect concentration of all the shops that a girl would need! H&M, Free People, Club Monaco, Anthro, Sephora, Zara, and I even found myself wandering into Gap Body, and wandering out with an adorable white bikini! I am stocking up for my summer trip with Josh to Greece! And in order to match the decor of the country, I am only buying things that are blue and white! Goodness....I am only 21 and I'm already my mother!

So as I am lugging the frame and shopping bags around 5th, still quite sweaty and red-faced from the gym, and my unwashed hair sitting in a messy knot on the top of my head - I am approached by a strange man who says, "may I use your beauty in a painting?"

What is almost even more amusing than this completely odd request, is that being a new yorker and being used to such utter stangeness, I calmly replied - "no thank you" and continued my conversation with Alison before even realizing what had happened.... "May I use your beauty in a painting?" What does that even mean!

The day continued to get more comical, as Ali and I went to see Letters to Juliet, a movie I had been dying to see since the first preveiw I caught back in January. I can't even get into how terrible it was. It was just about as fromage-y as an awful teen movie could ever be. Now coming from someone who worships the HSM series, it is really something for me to say a movie that looks terrible is in fact - terrible. My $13 would so have been better spent on a sundae at Dylans!

Movie of doom! Amanda Seyfried would have been better off starring in Mean Girls 2.

We re-gained our intellegence by making dinner chez moi and drinking wine while listening to my Paris playlist on Itunes! Ali hadn't seen my apartment in a while, so I was excited for her to see it now that is nearly completely furnished, which brings me to my highlight of the day!


I was always a craigslist-hater after several failed attempts to find internships and apartments. But in a recent, desperate search to find a suitable studio for myself below 30th street, I had to resort to every source I could - Craigslist included.
And low and behold, just when I was about to give up all hope and contact a nearby homeless shelter - I found my perfect apartment, and I found it on craigslist. The fabulous finds did not stop there! Craigslist has become my bff. My cute beadboard bed - found it on craiglist! My cottage style table and chairs - found it on craiglist! My antique blue coffee table - found it on craigslist! Even my straight-from-the-eighties mover with a legitimate mullet and pick-up truck - found him on craiglist!

Not only did these craiglist finds lead to great deals on furniture, but it also lead to friendships! The day I picked up my table and chairs from the LES, I met the cutest married couple and their adorable french bulldog named Batman. They were so nice, and they helped me flag down a van cab, and put the set inside - where I befriended the cab driver, Quatar. Quatar gave me his card, and told me to call him if I ever need a cab! What a wonderful idea I thought! After living here for 3 years I finally have a cabbie buddy! I called on him later that week to pick up my antique table from Hell's Kitchen, and he picked me up right on time outside my door! I highly recommended getting a cabbie buddy, it's kind of like having a driver - only you don't have to pay! Well, and you're car is a taxi instead of a black Lincoln. But at least Quatar's cab isn't a stinky cab! Which is RARE!

I also had so many nice street strangers help me move things in the past couple weeks, as I've been hauling tables and lamps and giant suitcases around Chelsea. It goes to show that there are nice New Yorkers out there willing to help a damsel in distress! I feel liking baking cupcakes and passing them out on the street outside my building one day as a thank you!

So, the lesson learned is don't discredit Craiglist! Logging on to craigslist is like venturing into Forever 21. You have to dig through the mess, and a majority of stuff is crap - but if you know how to search, you can get some great deals on hidden gems that you will love forever! (Or in the case of forever 21 purchases, until it falls apart.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Je Suis Revenue!

It’s been 5 months and 12 days since I left Paris...

It’s also been 5 months and 12 days since I last blogged. When I left Paris, I decided to put a fin to my blog because I thought I would no longer have anything exciting or interesting to write about since I could no longer spend my days velibing around the Marais, eating baguettes by the Seine, and sitting in the Jardin de Tulieries admiring the adorable French children with toy sailboats.

But in my 5 months back in the United States, and back in New York – I have come to realize that my days are quite interesting regardless of where I am located. I miss being in Paris every second of every hour of everyday (just ask Caroline). But I believe NYC can be just as inspiring to a writer (I am now referring to myself as a writer) in a different way. And I’ve missed writing! As all famous writers should. (I have decided to now refer to myself as a famous writer instead of just a writer - it’s my blog. )

So, la blonde parisienne has returned! But, to preserve the Parisienne-ness and love for my first original blog, I have created this one - and aptly named in Blonde In the Big Apple! Soon I will be back in Paris and can resume my other blog as my life in France. But for now - I am in nyc, and summer has officially begun with Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day Weekend is the new "it" holiday. Everyone has plans for memorial day weekend! As of Thursday, the city is a ghost town. You can actually walk down the street at a normal pace! You can actually be seated right away at a restaurant in the meatpacking on a Saturday night! You can even find a seat on the 6 train at rush hour! GASP! The calmness and ease of the city is like a pity gift for those of unlucky, poor, New Yorkers trapped here without a house in the Hamptons to escape to. Like me.

At this point in time, virtually almost everyone I know in the city is gone. My 2 sisters, my brother-in-law, my best friend Kristin, my boyfriend, my friends from FIT, even the family I babysit for. Only my darling pal Amy is here, so I actually ventured out in the world last night to have dinner and see Sex & the City 2 with her after work. Aside from that, I have been spending lots of quality time with my new apartment, the NYSC, and Chelsea. (Chelsea as in 14th – 30th street on the west side, not a friend named Chelsea - sadly).

Since I had nothing do to and no one to do it with all weekend, I’ve worked EVERYDAY. I won’t mention where I work – because that just has “FIRED” written all over it as I am bound to complain about it endlessly. I have realized that I am just not meant to work. There are only 3 things I have tried so far in life that I was complete crap at…

Alas, it’s just not meant to be. Everyone has different strengths – working is just not one of mine.

However, wandering around the city finding delicious foods and adorable things is! So, I want to discuss my “highlight of the day”!

As a part of my new nyc version of my blog, every time I post, I am going to choose my highlight of the day! This will be something I discovered or did in the city that made my day wonderful)


This place is AMAZING! It’s in the old Episcopal Church on 6th and 21st that was turned into the Limelight nightclub, and now this! Think Chelsea Market meets Bendels! You step inside and are transported into a chic, adorable, indoor marketplace selling everything from clothes and home decor to gourmet food and French fromage. How parfait pour moi!

I was coming from the gym, so I just popped in for a wander and ended up spending an hour lusting over amazing furniture and homemade whoopee pies! I thought it would be very counter-productive to eat a whoopie pie or cupcake as my post-gym snack, so I restrained myself – but believe me, I will be back! They look amazing! I have already tried a minicake from the BlueBird Bakery inside. (Josh bought it for us last week to share, and then I ate the whole thing). But there is also a CupCake Stop shop, MarieBelle chocolates, a brownie place, a yogurt stand, gelato and crepe counter, the whoopie pie man, and even a bon-bon store! So much to try! Good thing I'm here all summer! A little sandwhich counter sells fresh bread , salads, sandwhiches, and fromage , and a Grimaldis is opening upstairs! GLORIOUS! It is my new favorite spot in Chelsea!

Whoopie Pies from WannaHavaCookie Bakery!

Believe it or not, there was something that caught my eye more than the food, which is quite a statement for me to make. I walked upstairs into Brocade, this new home store and felt like I was in modern-day Versailles! It was the apartment décor of my dreams! The exact look I’ve always envisioned for my modern Marie Antionette inspired studio. When I am rolling in money from my first book advance some day, I am going to re-do my place floor to ceiling Brocade. Regardez!

Since moving into my new place, I’ve been obsessed with home goods. You know you are growing up when your entire credit card bill is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and you spend more time looking at spatulas than shoes. But I adore my apartment! It’s like living in a cupcake. All pink and Paris-y and girly and just so, well – me! When you live in a city as hectic and crowded at this one, having a little place to call your own and escape to is just the best feeling in the world!

Right now, cuddled up in my bed, in my little home, watching Funny Face and blogging again, I couldn't be happier! Well, unless I was in Paris.

Bon Nuit!